We are convening meeting 17 of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. We will commence our meeting now.
Could we just go over what you should have in front of you as information that you need for this meeting? You should have a copy of the agenda; the briefing documents from the Library of Parliament for our witnesses; and an article by Mr. Poulin, from the University of Ottawa, who is going to speak to us.
I just want to make sure everybody has what they're supposed to have, because it seems to create a bit of a kerfuffle as we go through.
You should also have the committee calendar, which is updated with confirmed witnesses. Those we have confirmed are in bold, so we have our two witnesses.
You also have a notice of motion from Ms. Mathyssen. She gave us that at our last meeting, and she has asked to speak to that before the witnesses proceed, as she has indicated that she is not sure if she can stay for the full meeting.
Did you want to speak to that briefly, Ms. Mathyssen?