Thank you.
I want to follow-up on what Mr. Poulin just said.
While I understand and accept the fact that the sex trade or the prostitution of children and women that you've just mentioned is about power and control between men and women and is not just economic, at the core it is also an economic issue. As was mentioned, in the eastern European countries, once they had access to jobs, they no longer needed to....
In some cases, they come to Canada because they think they're coming for a job, but they end up being trafficked instead and are forced into it, as you said earlier. Or they come thinking they're coming as exotic dancers and that's as good as they're going to get, because that's how they're going to get around the immigration laws. Otherwise, they can't come, because our immigration laws now are such that women from certain countries, especially if they don't have a level of education or skills, can't come in to do the work. So they come in illegally.
At the core, it's the same issue for women. The motive for the men and the people who traffic them is different. It's greed and power. The women's motives are quite similar in many ways, I understand.
That takes me to some of the things that were mentioned earlier by Ms. Jeffrey, on the issue of immigration laws. The fact is that we know we need domestic workers in this country. We know we need temporary workers, and probably that need will grow more and more. Yet we make it difficult for women to come on regular immigrant visas, as regular immigrants, and to get jobs. We force them to go into situations that are not safe and not protected even by Canadian laws. As you said, in domestic work they may not be getting trafficked in a brothel, but they may be sexually abused by their employer, in which case they're still staying and it's still trafficking of a different kind.
When I was in Sri Lanka, for instance, I met with women who migrated every three months. They would go to work in Saudi Arabia, where they were sexually abused all the time and trafficked among the guys with money, in addition to the work they did in the factory. They never talked about it when they went home. They went to work because they needed women in the factories, and the men stayed home looking after their families. So to me trafficking is not a very linear thing.
Madam Jeffrey, could you give us, in writing, the names of Stella and the other organizations that you suggested we should talk to? I think it would be good for us to talk to as many as we can.
Also, could you tell us how we should be changing the immigration laws? It seems to me that if a person is identified, the women should not be charged and deported. We should institute laws whereby the men in this country are charged with a criminal offence.
If you are using coke or something, you're charged as a user. Why is it that men can get away with using women and children without being charged? It should be the other way around. These men should be charged. If the judges, lawyers, and big megabuck guys who are the ones using ended up on the dockets, and if they knew their names would end up there and they'd be charged with criminal offences if found and if the women mentioned their names or described them, then they might bring it down just a little bit.
So I would say two things: charge the men, and then give the women the right to stay and not deport them. I would say changing the immigration laws somehow would help.