Sure, I hear it all the time. I live in Vancouver's downtown east side. It's a big voice there, and in the press there is a lot of advocacy toward legalization of prostitution. I'm baffled by it personally. I live there. I work there. I meet women all the time who live in horrific situations.
I think there's a lot of money to be gained by legalizing that, and I think there are people who have some motivation besides the dignity and rights of women in Canada, and those motivations are monetary, I believe. I don't see any other potential reason, and I think all you have to do is meet someone who has been sexually exploited to realize that it is not a reasonable line of work.
I'm baffled by it personally, in terms of close proximity and watching what that looks like, not only on the streets in downtown east Vancouver but also in brothels. I've visited a couple of brothels, simply to pray with and visit women trapped in that sort of situation, and even inside these so-called reasonable places, it's horrific. I don't get it.