I'm going to answer irst.
The definition problem is an abomination; no one perceives in the same way what a victim of trafficking is, particularly when we're talking about prostitution. That's what I tried to address briefly in my text, the idea that there is forced prostitution and voluntary prostitution; that confuses matters, especially when the police don't really have the resources to question people. There's also the entire conception that we have of the victim and of what it means to be forced to perform acts. The image that people have of a person held prisoner, struck, raped, in fact applies to very few situations. Trafficking may be highly invisible, in fact, and a victim is not necessarily identifiable by marks on her body or her way of speaking.
There's also another problem: until quite recently, as long as a woman had legal status, she wouldn't be questioned by police who came across her in the street for one reason or another. Today, I think that's changed at the RCMP. A woman who is a victim will take weeks, months, before deciding to talk about it. There's no reason why she'll suddenly open up to someone she doesn't know and tell that person about her life and the violence she has experienced, about something she isn't even aware of. So in fact, these are definitely questions that required a lot of field investigation. That's why, if we put the emphasis solely on the victims, it's already a lost cause because, first, there aren't enough resources in the field to meet all the women and because, if you consider that prostitution is a job, there's a whole prostitution sector that we'll never investigate. In fact, these women are there and they don't necessarily seem...
One Montreal police offer told me that, from the moment they're well exploited, there's no need to rape them. In fact, a good exploiter is someone who can make it so that his victim seems normal. She's exploited in her mind, but in fact... And the definitions, the criteria for defining what a victim is... It's very complex when you're dealing with a person in distress, who is in an environment that's unfamiliar to her. That's why, if we focus more on the demand for prostitution services, that would enable the victims to take their time. In fact, they wouldn't be the ones who had to testify, to prove that they are really victims.