Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Now, as regards madam's amendment: “Whereas all women are equal in Canada”, when you talk about the word “equality”, you compare, you make comparisons. Now, when you compare, what are you comparing? Are you comparing men and women? Or women and women? What are you comparing? I don't understand this amendment. I'm sorry.
“All women are equal in Canada under the Charter.” They are equal among themselves? Is that what you mean? Which is true. Women aren't all equal; otherwise we wouldn't be here. This committee wouldn't be here if all women were equal. Furthermore, men aren't all equal, and women aren't equal to men. “We recognize all the strengths of women.” What does that mean, “recognize the strengths of women”? Is it muscular strength, intellectual strength, mental strength? So I understand nothing in this amendment, Madam Chair, and it's 1:15 p.m.
Thank you, Madam Chair.