I suppose the barriers are the victims themselves. Those are the biggest barriers. Detective Constable Holm spoke to it, and so did my friends from Toronto. You have to establish that trust and get the reputation of your vice unit out there to the NGOs and the other people who offer services for the exit of women from the sex trade. You have to ensure that you have good relationships built there so that everyone down the line trusts everyone to be professional. Then, when the victim is ready, we can all do something about it.
But right now, when you're brought in from another country and you have false documentation, and when you're put down into a cage in the basement when you're not working and you're told you will get thrown in prison the moment you come forward or you will be deported and be thrown in prison in your country of origin, you believe it. When you have very young, inexperienced women being moved around the world, who do they have as a support structure? The first thing any pimp does to a girl is remove her support structures, cut the family out, isolate her.
So it takes a huge leap of trust for those victims to come forward, as was the case in our file.