Ms. Smith, I'm sorry. You raised a point of order. I am going to sustain my decision on that point of order until Thursday's meeting. Any amendments that are going to be put on the table must be done in writing to the clerk as soon as possible, and we will deal with this item as the first order of business on Thursday morning.
We are going to move on now to the issue of human trafficking. In our discussions here, we need to focus. We've had a number of witnesses already and we need to be very clear on the issue of human trafficking and what we are going to focus on. We've heard about the exploitation of domestic workers, agricultural workers, and workers in the hotel industry. It's such a very broad issue that it would seem to me, based on the witnesses we've heard, that we need to decide which section to tackle, because there are so many things that need to be done and that we would all like to do.
Ms. Smith has made it quite clear that she would like us to focus on the sexual exploitation avenue. Are the rest of the committee members in agreement?
Could we have everybody's attention, please? We need to be looking at what we are going to focus on in this issue of human trafficking. We've reached a point at which our analysts need us to focus a little more clearly. Is everyone in agreement that we would focus on the sexual exploitation part of human trafficking rather than the domestic workers and agricultural sectors and so on, and do those at a later date if the committee chooses?
If we want to get a report in for December, which we also need to think about, we need to look at our timelines and look at our witness list to see if they are all on sexual exploitation, if that's what we want to report on first.
Ms. Minna was first; then it's Ms. Mourani.