We had originally planned on this calendar that we were going to attempt to put a report in by mid-December. Do we still want to do that or do we want to postpone our deadline to be able to comment on some of the other avenues? Either we do from now until December on the sexual exploitation area...and do you want to start in February with dealing with the broader issue of the agriculture, and so on? Our analysts need to make a comment here.
The other thing is that we have another list of witnesses that people have submitted. If we have to add them, we'll have a lot of difficulty trying to get a report out by mid-December, to be tabled in the House by mid-December. The issue is so important that we want to make sure that we're doing it appropriately as well. I think our deadlines were great and ambitious, but I'm not sure we're going to be able to meet them and do the report justice.
Ms. Smith, Ms. Mourani.