I think that makes a great deal of sense.
I want to go to Ms. Soltys and to the native women's representative, Ms. Wolski.
One of the things we were going to discuss on this committee was the economic security of women in Canada. We're talking about Canadian women's economic security--native women and all women in Canada.
It seems to me, from what both of you have said, that economic security is the root cause. In Ms. Soltys' case, you said some women are abducted--that's criminal. But there's also an underpinning issue with respect to the economic issue. Ms. Wolski, you were mentioning...and I've always felt that is the situation, so I have two questions.
If you were to make two recommendations that would assist in the economic area as well as the police structure...because native women may not even go to the police. They are afraid of being incarcerated, as they are, in larger numbers, being incarcerated. Those who have disappeared have not been investigated. So there's a racial issue, and that's piled onto the economic one.
I'd like to get a clear handle on some recommendations from you. We know that the root cause is economic. I'd like to hear some suggestions on how we might approach that in a more aggressive way. I have some ideas, but I'd like to hear some of yours.
Then, of course, the other is the legal system, the policing system, and how we might change and structure that to ensure there's investigation...at least safety. And of course, shelter, I imagine, is the other...but just the way to break that cycle.