Is there any further discussion?
I think it's quite clear, then, that the intent is for additional meetings, because we already have a pretty heavy schedule for the work we're trying to do on human trafficking. So the intent would be for the clerk to check with all the members, if the motion were to pass, to see what would be the best opportunity. Is it a Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30? What would be the best block of time so that we could deal with this issue and be able to report back? That's the intent of the motion.
So we'll call for a vote on the motion. Does the committee want a recorded vote on this motion? Should I read it out again? Okay. It reads:
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2)(b), that the Standing Committee on the Status of Women (SWC) hold extended meetings to assess the impact the cuts to Status of Women Canada and the extensive changes to the Terms and Conditions of the Women’s Program have had on the ability of Status of Women Canada to carry on its important work on behalf of women in Canada.
Do you want to specify two meetings, one meeting, or three meetings? Do you want to leave it open?