As far as the issue of consent is concerned, it is relatively simple. As for the procuring of children, the way to proceed already exists. Currently, the way to go about gathering evidence is essentially to corroborate the victim's version. In certain cases, we are in a position to obtain one version. We often use videotaped interviews. In a case of children or adolescents, there is sometimes a change of attitude because they are psychologically fragile, and the video testimony becomes important. In certain cases, we have no video, but despite everything, we have complaints relating to individuals who exploit these children and we can still charge them.
It is therefore an issue of corroborative investigations, that is to say that we use investigative techniques that confirm what we had at the outset. For example, we use shadowing, double agents or wiretap. These techniques are already used as far as pimps working child prostitute are concerned. They could also apply very well to pimps working adult prostitutes. We would use the same techniques and the same kind of charges. Furthermore, in several cases, we are talking about the same people. These people do not draw a line at the age of 18. In many cases, they have been controlling a young girl from the age of 14 to 16, and she is now 21, 22 or 23. These are exactly the same techniques and that is how, currently, we are able to get around the pretence of consent.
On the other hand, I must say that these investigations are extremely cumbersome and complex. They do not just last a few weeks, particularly in a case where we do have no testimony from the victim. I believe that the law should protect the victims of these pimps or users—I am not sure what to call them—who create dozens of victims within their lifetime. I draw a parallel with pedophilia. A pedophile will destroy several lives over the course of his life. These pimps view women like merchandise. It is an issue of cashing them out, and when the merchandise is passed its due date, they throw them out and get another.
It is therefore very important to act. If I understand correctly, you agree with me, even when we do not have testimony. That is what is difficult presently. As far as adults are concerned, we are not able to act if we do not have the consent or the testimony of a woman. Her pimp will continue to victimize others. Because he uses his threat and violence, women will be terrorized and will never file complaints.