My point, Madam Chair, is this--and I apologize to Madam Mourani because I wasn't here earlier this morning, and this is the first time I've seen the motion. To be honest with you, I find this to be usurping the power of the committee. It's pre-emptive. Why are we doing this study if we're going to put forward a motion that this committee is going to bring forward as a recommendation anyway?
So it's pre-empting the committee's work in a sense. And I don't have a problem with the wording, as I said earlier. That's not the issue here. The issue is I don't understand why we're trying to pre-empt each other on a report that we all know we're going to deliver. I would assume that report would have this language in it anyway.
So I just find it rather strange, that's all. I have to say that. We're trying to take ownership of this. That's what the issue is.