Thank you.
Again, I'd like to thank all of the presenters. It has certainly been interesting information that we received from you today.
We've talked a lot about protection for the victims. We've talked a lot about the different countries you've worked in, and so on. But there's one thing we haven't talked about very much today that we heard from other witnesses. Some of them are suggesting that to successfully combat trafficking, we need to have a greater focus on the demand side of the situation.
I'm going to ask a very brief question, and then I'd like each of you to respond, if you could. What kinds of suggestions would you have for this government to work on the demand side of it so the victims are protected, but we'd be looking at decreasing the situations because we're going to be working on the demand side with johns, the pimps, and so on?
Could I hear your opinions on that, please, from whoever wants to start?