We'll actually have Julie compiling the list. In order for the analysts to be able to compile a list on an informed basis, they've indicated to me that they would be requesting a brief from each of the groups that was recommended by the members so that they could have a representative cross-section to bring to the committee.
Considering the timeline, in our eyes we would have to give these groups some time to respond to this, to provide some information on what they would be speaking to. So I was hoping to be able to send out the message for these briefs to the groups on the list recommended by members by the end of the day tomorrow, which is why we were requesting the list by the end of the day today.
Then we have to give them time to submit those briefs, and time for the analysts to look over them to compile the list. So to have the list ready by Thursday just isn't feasible at this point. But I can tell you that the list will be compiled and we'll send it to the chair's office and bring it to the committee at the earliest convenience. I can't tell you exactly when that might be.