To think otherwise is foolish. They are there; I've seen them operate, and it doesn't matter.
Also the criminal aspect of it dwarfs the legal aspect, because they know the amount of money, and they know they bring these women in by the busload, the truckload, by the dozens every night.
Remember, the sad reality for these young women is they're only good to these men for a few years. Then they're discarded back to impoverished countries that look at these women as nothing but prostitutes, whores, sluts, harlots, and whatever. They end up being stigmatized and re-stigmatized, and many end up committing suicide, because there's nothing for these women when they get back home.
One of the things I say—and I said this to the President of the Ukraine when I met him on this issue—is that countries allowing their young women to be trafficked wholesale should hold their heads in shame, for not fighting hard enough to do something for these women and protect the weakest in their society. The biggest shame goes to the western countries that bring these women in by the planeload, truckload, and boatload to work out the sexual fantasies of their men and for sex tourism.
Germany and the Netherlands make huge amounts of money on sex tourism for their tax coffers. That's why I look at Germany as one of the biggest brothels on the planet now, with 400,000 women working the streets. You have to wonder about that.
I've sort of lost my track now.