As I said, social permits would be the ideal. If you do connect it with testifying, it's important that the women are protected and secure and have access to all the services they need, both psychological and physical--money and assistance to live, and to live in a protected area.
I want to add that in Sweden we have started to collaborate, in collaborative chains, with all of the public authorities and the NGOs that are responsible to protect and give assistance to victims. If a victim is identified, the police should be able to call one of those individuals in that group and then the whole process starts. We have that in the three largest cities now.
You can't have a permit if you don't have the services connected to it. The pimps are after the women. Some young women are very attached to the traffickers in the sense that they have lived with these men and have been tortured for years. They're going to try to escape. And some women want to go back home. Not everyone wants to stay in the country where they end up, at least not in Sweden, because that's the place where they've been terribly violated; they have children, and they may have something at home.
So there must be a safe return process that is actually safe.