With respect, madam, I think if you look at the Status of Women Canada website you will now see the new guidelines of the women's program. They quite clearly state that equality has been evacuated from the mandate and that advocacy groups will no longer be funded--nor will lobbying, nor will research.
So I don't think there has been any exaggeration. I don't think there's been any exaggeration when we say that there's been a $5 million cut to Status of Women Canada. It's clear. It's been covered. It's in the budget estimates. I think it's obvious. You're now saying it's being reallocated; we look forward to hearing where it will be reallocated.
In terms of inaccurate information, your minister, Madam Oda, has been saying that NAWL has received $450,000 this year. In fact that is incorrect. We wrote to her saying that we were very pleased to learn that our funding had been re-established to our previous level. We had a response that in fact we indeed would not be receiving $450,000 but only $290,000 up until next September, in 2007, the date at which we will not be eligible for any more funding from the women's program because of the change in criteria.
So I'd like to see who is distributing bad, incorrect information. If you look at any reports--Status of Women, Statistics Canada, or other research reports--women's inequality is ongoing, pervasive, deep, and systemic, especially for certain groups of women.
The piecemeal funding of services--