Thank you.
It's very exciting to see this agenda. I think we have some really good things. Thank you, Madam Chair, so much for putting the workplan discussion document in place. I think it's very helpful to see that.
I promised last week, Madam Chair, that I would.... You had asked for agendas. I wanted to reassure you that we had submitted the agendas well ahead of time, so I would like to read this into the record very briefly before we go into the workplan, which I think is very good.
The e-mail we received on May 9, at 1:14 p.m. from Maria Mourani said members of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women wishing to submit topics for the committee's future business should send it to the committee's e-mail account—which is agreed—and on Wednesday, May 10, the clerk will compile a bilingual list of items, etc.
We got that e-mail and we responded to it very clearly for you, so I wanted you to know that request was complied with. At 10:37 we sent the following: matrimonial property rights for aboriginal women, poverty among aboriginal women, poverty among senior women, and human trafficking. That was sent, and then it was all straightened out because Michelle Tittley was so kind to send us a reply. She said the oversight was hers and she apologized. This happens in any committee, doesn't it? As I mentioned to you, after the meeting today.... There was an apology for the oversight, so I wanted you to know.
I want to table this document because it says, “I apologize to Mrs. Smith for this oversight and for any confusion resulting from it. I will make an effort to be more vigilant.”
You're very good, excellent, Michelle, thank you. I just wanted the chair to understand that her request was certainly complied with, so I would like to table these documents. You have a copy of it.
Thank you.