I have a comment.
This is very good. These are all very important issues.
Last year around the table, I had tried to submit the aboriginal issue, the marriage issue with aboriginal women. For me, on this side, on the issue of matrimonial rights for aboriginal women, I had occasion to actually visit a reserve where my son is an RCMP officer. I had two meetings with the women on this reserve. They said their greatest fear, and where they feel they are held hostage, would be if something breaks down within the family circle, because they could lose their homes. They were hoping that at this time members of Parliament would finally bring this to the forefront.
I took it to two ministers on our side of the government, and I know that Minister Oda's major concern right now is this issue.
I think it's one that we really have to move on, because families are suffering. Every segment of our society deserves equal representation. Looking around the table, I know that if something happened in our family, we would have fair and equitable representation in the courts of the land.
I feel for these women, who are at a huge disadvantage. They're trying to keep their families together, and they're trying to keep their homes. When a marriage breaks down, you don't have a home, you don't have a husband, and you don't have those foundations. I think it's a top priority that we have to look at.