The Collectif Féminisme et Démocratie mobilizes women around four principles. As far as we are concerned, the strategy does not focus only on equal representation for women and men, even though that is the most important thrust. Since 2002, we have been mobilizing around democratic reform in Quebec, and particularly reform with respect to the voting process. What is on the table in Quebec are reforms aimed at adopting a compensatory mixed plurality proportional representation model.
Within that very model, we have presented a number of demands with a view to obtaining a formal commitment to equality in the actual body of the legislation. We have also asked that lists provide for mandatory alternation between female and male candidates elected based on proportional representation. As I mentioned, the Minister has demonstrated a firm intention to move in that direction.
We also asked that every political party be required to adopt an equality action plan, as well as an action plan on ethnocultural diversity, in order to also enhance male-female diversity.