Thank you for your question. I certainly appreciate that you are actually identifying some very concrete actions that can be taken.
As you know, as reported, this government did commit to increasing child care spaces. The work that's being done by the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development was reported in the House.
Concerning pay equity, the announcement was made that we have existing pay equity. We're trying to enforce that more stringently, etc., and I know you will be speaking with the Minister of Labour regarding the pay equity legislation and his plans.
On employment insurance, I know we have made the appropriate minister aware of the request, and attention to that has been asked for.
On the homeless, this government has made a recent announcement regarding increased funding for a homeless program.
And on women in politics, I'm quite encouraged. I know there is another minister who is actively working on an approach of working with a non-profit, non-partisan organization on specific means of increasing participation of women in civic life and in politics.