Thank you, Madam Chairman.
Good afternoon, Minister, and thank you for joining us today. Good day to you as well, Ms. Ievers. I happy to see you.
I have a great deal of difficulty understanding the new measures adopted as part of the Women's Program. I'm having a problem with this because neither you, nor I, nor any of my female colleagues would be in Parliament today if women hadn't raised their voices and demanded to be recognized as persons, with the full rights this entails.
I can't quite understand the reluctance at the point in time to admit that a program aimed at promoting women can be used to defend women or to influence governments, whether federal, provincial or otherwise. Women have been struggling for over a century to be recognized as full and equal citizens, but the battle isn't over yet. In light of all of the changes that have taken place, I get the impression the department feels that women have now come far enough that they no longer need to make any more demands. I think the department is very wrong about this. I'd like to know why women's initiatives have been deemed ineligible for funding. I'm looking in particular at item 3 in the table “Current Terms and Conditions” in the Library of Parliament briefing notes.