Kajsa and I have discussed it, and because my English may be a bit better, I will respond.
The national rapporteur has been in place for nine years. That means nine annual reports. Those reports are very central to how, first of all, the issues are perceived by the public and by the public authorities. So that's one. There's an increased awareness of the problem, which I can vouch for. It has gone quite quickly and has been quite educational for many who didn't know much about the issue.
Secondly, as to developed policies, the reports of the rapporteur are in fact central to many of the measures we have developed in Sweden when it comes to prevention and the prosecution of individual traffickers, the buyers of sexual services, and to a whole new understanding of the organized crime networks that are involved in this issue. We also, of course, now have numbers, statistics, and an understanding of who everyone is who is involved.