Again, I have asked Kajsa what to say.
As the county police of Stockholm always say when that issue comes up, there is no such thing as prostitution going underground, because the necessity for the prostitution industry is to reach out to the buyers. The buyers will find the pimps, and they will find the women. The police, as well the national police, always say it's their job to find the buyers, and if the buyers can find the pimps, they can too.
Adding to that, if I may, the work to assist women or young men, for that matter, get out of prostitution or trafficking prostitution is done by social workers. The social workers in all the large cities have now changed their methods on how they approach women. They are working very much on the Internet, trying to get in contact with women. They have all kinds of new measures in order to find them.
But again, when we find the buyers, we find the women, because the buyers know where they are.