One of the recommendations that have been made is that we substantially increase the funding to Status of Women Canada. Our women's centre was one of the women's centres that received core funding at one point, until that core funding was cut by the previous government. That core funding allowed us to do two things: it allowed us to provide services and to do the advocacy work.
Because such a small amount of funding is available through Status of Women Canada, and because the policy change is so critical, and because there is no other avenue to take right now to be able to do that policy change, it is equally important to our organization that we're able to do policy change as well as service delivery, because otherwise it leaves you in an absolutely heartbreakingly hopeless situation in providing services. I firmly believe we need to be able to provide services.
One solution would be for Status of Women Canada to take a leap and begin to work with the provinces to ensure equal amounts of funding in the provinces, through the provinces, for a service delivery, and that Status of Women Canada holds on hard, very hard, to that advocacy and research function, because without you it's not going to happen.