Thank you very much for the opportunity.
My name is Brenda Murphy, and I am with the Urban Core Support Network in Saint John, New Brunswick.
We're a coalition of individuals who live in poverty, non-profit groups, the faith community, government, and business community representatives, working systemically to reduce poverty in our community.
Our focus is to influence provincial policy-makers by conducting research, policy analysis, and advocacy, based on barriers experienced by low-income women. We also provide a community education role, informed by the voices of our members and marginalized women, with limited forums in which to speak.
The changes in the mandate to Status of Women Canada will have a profound impact on our organization. A key strategy of our work has been to develop and nurture relationships with decision-makers. As a result of those relationships and partnerships, we've seen concrete changes that directly impact low-income women and their ability to participate in society.
Recently a provincial assistant deputy minister in New Brunswick told us how difficult it is for government to gather the same data as community-based organizations, because the relationships of trust between government and women living in poverty are difficult, if not impossible, to cultivate. The provincial Government of New Brunswick readily acknowledges their reliance on equality-seeking groups to help shape policy and practices to address the real needs of many thousands of women in our region whose voices are muted. Taking away our ability to advocate leaves a huge gap.
Women living in poverty, who are trying to survive, make ends meet, and make sure their children have food on the table, are often not in the position either physically or emotionally to travel to Fredericton, Ottawa, or even to an MP's office to discuss their barriers.
One example of where our advocacy is making a difference is a report we've just completed and presented to the province. In short, we're recommending changes to a specific government policy that has been a barrier to women trying to transition from income assistance to employment. We're also recommending a wage supplement to assist low-wage families.
I want to illustrate how these recommendations could make a difference by introducing you to Joanne. She's a single mom who started working in November at a call centre, where the pay is slightly more than minimum wage. She is determined to keep working, even on the days when her shift ends at one o'clock in the morning and she has to walk through the dark streets of Saint John for an hour to get to her home, because there is no bus service and she can't afford a taxi on her salary.
Who is going to speak for Joanne? She is barely able to respond to the demands of her job and her two teenaged children, let alone try to meet with a politician or a decision-maker to state her case and ask for changes that will help her.
In some respects, Joanne has made it. She's participating fully in society through full-time employment. If we're successful in our advocacy efforts for a wage supplement program, Joanne would be able to receive a top-up, and then maybe she could take a taxi home, easing her fear and stress, and adding to the likelihood that she'll stay employed.
I've been asked how the changes affect women on the ground. This is just one of countless stories of women who are fighting to get through each day. Yet despite their challenges, women are involved with our organization because they know we make a difference. It's a safe space where they can share their stories, talk about what will work for them, and then take the next step into training, employment, or other opportunities.
We want to have the ability to continue to work with and for them. To do that, it is critical that we're able to access funding from Status of Women Canada to continue to advocate for changes that will ensure they can fully participate in our society. Because we work at the level of systemic barriers to poverty reduction, we have not been eligible for funding sources that are designed to support direct delivery service. This has meant that Status of Women Canada has been a lifeline for women's equality-seeking organizations.
To close, I also wish to speak to the administrative cuts by acknowledging the invaluable role played by the regional project officers. They have consistently helped our small organization to clarify goals and objectives. They've linked us with complementary organizations elsewhere. They have provided us with technical support in areas such as evaluation. These regional staff members have helped build momentum and continuity and have kept our work firmly entrenched in the realities of Atlantic Canada. Their loss will be catastrophic to us.
Thank you again for the opportunity.