I can speak to the first two questions.
In terms of the real effect this change will have on women, I can share another story about Sally, who is currently living in second-stage housing. She's been there for more than a year, which is more than what's typically allowed, because she receives $490 a month in income assistance. That's the total income for the month in New Brunswick. She has to find subsidized housing, but she hasn't been able to find it. In looking at her limited options right now, one of them is to go back to her abusive partner, because there just isn't enough housing.
Something else we've done in our community is try to advocate for more subsidized housing and bring these stories to people, so they understand the situation that women such as Sally face, in thinking about going back to the abuse because her options are so limited.
In terms of volunteers, on our last 18-month project, we estimated that volunteer time—I don't have the exact number with me—was somewhere in the vicinity of $70,000 or $80,000.
You're right, this makes a difference that's also lost if our organization has to close its doors.