Thank you very much. It's a pleasure for us to be here with you this morning.
As you said, Madam Chair, I'm the director general responsible for social and demographic statistics at Statistics Canada. This includes a number of social surveys, such as the General Social Survey, from which we'll be drawing a lot of information this morning; post-censal surveys, such as the activity limitation survey; as well as the census. We're in the midst of finalizing the collection of the 2006 census, so we'll be spending some busy summer and fall months processing and analyzing the data, with a view to disseminating the first census counts next February.
This morning I have my two colleagues with me. There's Colin Lindsay, the author of Women in Canada. He's with our social and aboriginal statistics division, and he's here to present the major findings of the study and to answer questions. As well, I have Karen Mihorean of our Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, who will be able to talk to you about violence against women, and spousal violence in particular.
So I'll leave the floor to my colleagues.
I am available to answer your questions on this morning's topic. I will also be pleased to answer more general questions you may have regarding social statistics.