I believe this has had quite lengthy discussions. If there's disagreement, may I suggest that we hold this over and put it on the agenda for next week.
We had suggested that we leave the last 15 minutes of our meeting so that we have time to do some business, even when we have presenters. May I suggest that maybe we should have that at 10:30 so it leaves us sufficient time to do some committee business as well. So rather than 10:45, we'll make that 10:30. We'll have an hour and a half of witnesses and then a half an hour to discuss business. We'll hold this over.
Are you okay, Ms. Bourgeois and Ms. Mourani, with motion 1 concerning the presence of members' staff at in camera meetings, or should we hold that one off until next week as well?
I'm going to suggest we hold motions 1 and 2 until next Thursday, and we'll deal with them then. All right?