I apologize for misinterpreting what you said.
In support of what I said about the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the points you make are correct, but I nevertheless think that this plan is ideal in the medium term because when people have income, they are covered by the plan, but only at the rate of 50%. So there remains some
incentive to go back to work, even if some part of the benefit is reduced. I think this is the best way to deal with poverty.
She mentioned unemployment insurance. It pops into my mind that a good program to help families with children would be to give them a higher unemployment benefit. This is one of the problems, if I may say, that having children brings to women. They can't do both things at one time. In my view, it's preferable that the mother stays at home. She should not be financially penalized for that. The unemployment insurance program might be a good program to use for that purpose. It's not the only one, but it's a very good one.