It is, yes.
Comprehensive seniors services run a pretty broad range. There are social-recreational programs for the healthy senior. You know, that's where you go and you have tai chi and cribbage and things like that. There are also any number of types and varieties of congregate dining. Congregate dining seems so very cold, but we have breakfast programs and lunch programs and supper clubs and diners clubs. People like that, because sharing food is so fundamental, and you tend not to eat very well if you always eat alone. You don't eat very much, and you certainly don't eat much variety.
Moving up the scale from that is personal support. You need personal support for laundry and shopping and transportation. Transportation is huge, so fundamental. If you can't get to the doctor, you call the ambulance and you end up in emergency. You know, it's that kind of thing. If you're not regularly going to the doctor, if you can't get the prescription filled at the pharmacy, you end up sick again. So it's community transportation.
It would be supportive housing, where the unit is designated and personal support workers go in on a regular basis, or adult day programs for people with dementias. You shouldn't be put into a nursing home as soon as you are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. There is a progress of the disease, and certainly in early stages, they're perfectly able to stay in the community. There's also meals on wheels, for sure that kind of thing.
But the biggie is what we call client intervention and assistance. That is the community worker who ties all the pieces together, works with the client to determine what that client needs, finds where that service is available if the agency doesn't provide it, and ties them all together.
And sometimes, you know, as I say, it's not, strictly speaking, health care. We have a client who had sold ice cream at Maple Leaf Gardens, and all he wanted to do was go back and watch a hockey game. Well, I tell you, it wasn't hard to find volunteers who would take him, and Maple Leaf Gardens, I'd like to say, provided the tickets. It made him happy.
So does that explain it? You need the cluster of services and you need the community worker to tie them together.