I know, yes.
All right, you've all handed them back, then? Great. Thank you so much.
I'm taking a look at Ms. Mathyssen's motion. Amendments to the motion can be moved. Are there any amendments to this motion that's in front of us?
You should have two things in front of you: the original motion as of March 20 and then the amendments of March 27.
Today Ms. Mathyssen is not here. I have to ask the committee, would you like to set this motion aside for the first meeting back, when Ms. Mathyssen can speak to her motion, or would you like to continue to deal with it today?
Could I have a show of hands? Who would like to wait till Ms. Mathyssen is back here to speak to the motion? Do we all agree that we'll deal with it today? Great.
Ms. Mathyssen isn't here, so I will read it into the record, with the amendments. The motion is:
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), That the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women recommend that the Government publish the three research reports funded through the Status of Women Canada’s Independent Policy Research Fund, as follows:
Monica Townson and Kevin Hayes, “Women and Employment Insurance Program: the Gender Impact on Current Rules on Eligibility and Earnings Replacement”;
Shelagh Day and Gwen Brodsky, “Women and the CST: Securing the Social Union”;
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, “Integrating Marginalized Women's Voices into Policy Discussions and Debates Linked to the CST”;
and that the chair report the—
I'm sorry?