Maybe we could try to get that to this committee as quickly as possible. Maybe our friends could express that to the minister, and when the minister comes to see us we will discuss it.
I have quite a lot of questions, but I'll start with the GBA.
Was there a gender-based analysis done on the recent budget, specifically with respect to the $1,200 that is being called the universal child care? And I don't mind telling you very honestly here that it's not.
Have you done a GBA analysis on whether that $1,200 is helping anyone in terms of what impact it's had on families--the drop of the supplement for the young child, and of course, the fact that the $1,200 is taxed in the hands of different families, so where families have both working, they're going to get less than families who don't, and then if you include inflation and no child care?
Has there been an impact study done, a proper GBA analysis of the impact of that particular announcement and what it really means for women, where it's negative and where it's a benefit, a gain?