Okay. It would be useful.
To go back to caregiving, there were two issues that came up.
One was the poverty of unattached seniors, specifically women, but men as well. A couple with two incomes is doing better than unattached seniors, as we all know. Obviously, it's something that needs to be addressed through income support.
The question I have is on caregiving, which you mentioned earlier. A lot of women who are now caregivers are losing out on their own pensions and income levels. As you said, they're either getting low pay or doing it for free or part-time, and they're looking after the family and sacrificing. We have a whole group of women who are now probably in their fifties, who are going to be poor seniors not too long in the distant future.
Have any studies been done on behalf of the government to see what can be done to remedy the situation, either in the pension area, through income support, or with respect to the funding of caregiving? Are there any studies going on with other departments and with yourself to try to preempt this?