Well, Canada has signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has some articles in it that say a child has the right to the care of the parents wherever possible or to those people whom the parents have chosen; that the parents are in the best position to know the best interests of the child. There's nothing in that convention that is against day care. As a matter of fact, it supports finding third-party care when you need it, but the one to make the biggest decisions, to be trusted the most, is the parent. I think Ms. Lysack also actually says that.
I'm just saying what she doesn't quite say. I'm just saying that the most efficient way to do that is to fund the parent and let them make those choices. I'm not going to argue that it's bad to have day care, because I don't buy into that anti-day care sentiment. We do know that bad care happens everywhere and good care happens everywhere, so let's go to where there's good care and let the parents decide where there's good care. I am for parents having those rights.
You can't put love into legislation. Put the kid where someone loves him, and believe me, that's the first thing the kid cares about. I don't know how we can write that into the law, but we have to make it so that the funding flows to where the kid will be loved.