I certainly don't think so. What defines us as Canadians is our public health care system, our public education system. When we look at public education, 90% of us have gone through the public education system even if, as you say, there are other mechanisms in place where there are vouchers or you can be supported to choose something else. So we believe that a public early learning and child care system is a part of what will define us as Canadians, and that all children have access to it. And we know that parents who are not employed outside the home also access those programs for their children. They think they're important. Of course, it's a good thing. When we look at Fraser Mustard's brain malleability and where we're investing, why are we investing so little at the beginning of life and so much more in adulthood when we know the brain is so much more vulnerable in those early years and that we can do so much more that will have a lasting impact?