No doubt there's a cost to this. There's a cost to any government program, obviously, whether we're talking about meeting Kyoto targets or whatever.
Canada has been in a very strong fiscal situation. We've run a surplus for a number of years now. There are various proposals for how that surplus should be used. Should we use it to invest in the future of this country in ensuring the well-being and the future education and health of our children? That would be one way.
Some people are very concerned about continuing tax cuts that, in essence, will reduce that surplus, will reduce our ability to make the investments in the kinds of social programs that are needed to build our social infrastructure.
It's a political decision. Do we continue to give tax cuts and to erode our fiscal ability to make the kinds of investments that, we would argue, we need, as a country, or do we just look at the short term and say people want tax cuts, so we'll give them to them, even though this means that, inevitably, our public services are going to suffer?