I have a couple of other questions on two different areas. The first one is on caregivers and seniors. The previous government had committed a significant sum of money over five years towards the development of an ongoing caregiver agenda. I'm wondering if there is still a plan in place and an agenda for that.
Let me ask my other question before you answer, because I'm aware of the time. We're talking about young women and the implications of financial security for them. We all start out thinking it'll never happen to us, yet life has a funny way of playing tricks.
Are you aware of studies? Are you aware of outreach? Are you aware of education programs that advise young women of the financial realities of working, not working, being married, not being married, or marriage break-up, or all of the things that can happen that affect their ultimate financial security as they reach age 55 or 60? Is there any outreach being done at the moment that you're aware of?
I'll stop with those two questions.