You asked a good question about whether we will be able to deal with the demand over the long term. Nothing pleases me more than to sit in front of a committee and say that the government has a chief actuary who, every three years, evaluates the sustainability of the Canada Pension Plan for 75 years, which is as far as he goes. He has recently again reconfirmed that the plan is fully sustainable indefinitely for all of the benefits I have mentioned for that entire period of time. It's wonderful news to be able to share.
You also asked a question about the guaranteed income supplement. As we explained to the committee this morning, much has happened in the last four years that has really changed our ability to reach potential recipients of the benefit. The best one is the automation that we now have with provincial governments and the Canada Revenue Agency. If you fill out a tax return, you're never lost, and we will find you every time.
As I said already, for those who aren't filling out tax returns and for some reason are not picked up by provincial governments, we have mass mailings that go out. We deal with third parties who help get the word out to people on the street. We even work in the homeless sector to try to make sure we've reached everybody.