We were digging around in our Nova Scotia office for ideas...and it's not a women's issue for us. Both boys and girls have the same challenge of understanding what the responsibilities are through the course of life, especially into the senior years. As my colleagues would tell you, if you do things right when you're young, it works out a lot better. Even the committee members noted that.
So when digging around, we found this amazing little course that was given in high school to educate students about why they should save, what that would mean, and what their responsibilities are in the system. They had to dust it off, and we just finished re-keying it into our system. So we hope to roll something like that out across the country, using our network to get into high schools so we can educate all Canadians about their responsibilities, because there's no better way to eliminate poverty than by doing it 50 years before there's nothing else you can do.