I'll be quick.
First, I was going to suggest that we ask them to come back, so that's a good thing.
Second, Madam Chair, perhaps we could bring all of this back in the fall with an eye toward making recommendations on a poverty strategy for women, developing a poverty strategy solution ourselves--with the help of the supporters we have here today; that would be great.
I have tons of questions, but very quickly, it's obvious that there are some things we can do right now. There are things we can address with respect to the poverty issue, the child care issue, the issue of clawback for income support, the issue of mending EI to make sure that women are...and maybe making the dropout rate for CPP, for caregivers. So there are a number of things the governments could do now in terms of actually beginning to address some of these issues.
You said earlier that most women, regardless...or they're poor in the first place because of unpaid work. On the issue that I suggested earlier, the guaranteed income, would that help, in that case? And how would that work? Ultimately we're looking to address a lot of the things that I have just mentioned that I think could be done, but at the same time, how do we actually do a holistic approach to address the core problem, which is unpaid work for women; would income security do that?
Finally, has your shop done any analysis at this point on the impact of the most recent budget with respect to child care or structure changes and the $1,200 and all of that with respect to poor families and poor women?