Thanks very much.
Good morning to all of you. I appreciate you being here.
No doubt you're familiar with income-splitting--you maybe had the conversation a couple of times in some of the research you've done--where in the traditional family one parent has stayed home to raise the child, and they haven't had any acknowledgement of their unpaid work. Some of you have referred to the unpaid work.
In fact, Mr. Dobie, you talked about perhaps making it mandatory for separated and divorced spouses to share or split their pensions. Something that I have been very focused on in the past 10 years is actually income-splitting--aside from the petitions, actually engaging in conversations with a lot of retirement associations, national associations, and having that conversation. They would like to see us implement that, starting with seniors.
If we had implemented this ten years ago, say, what would be different today if women, with the work they had done in the home, were actually considered to be contributing equally, splitting the income, contributing to the pensions, in the same way as the husband had? What do you think would be different? Is this something that perhaps you have done some research on, even going forward, and that you could share with this committee?