On the question of income-splitting of pensions, I'm not aware of any studies that have been done, but it would seem kind of easy to legislate if there was the political willingness. I understand it's already on the books in certain provinces. Quebec is certainly one of them, with le patrimoine; people can avail themselves of it.
If that were part of the legislation, at least it would make it more comfortable for those who are vulnerable to make those applications. Right now there is a lack of willingness on the part of aging single or divorced women to ask for that. It needs a certain amount of education on our part to tell them what their rights are, but if more information goes out, it would be easier for people to avail themselves of that particular provision.
Now, for many of them, it's too late--the former husband has either remarried or is deceased--but for the future, I think we can anticipate that.