Since 9/11 the face of racial profiling—I'll focus on racial profiling because that's the simplest one, but there are many other parts to this—changed to include people of Arabic descent, as well as Asian descent, as well as people based on their religion. Then there was the impact of the security legislation. NARCC was granted funding as an intervenor in the cases of Charkaoui, Harkat, and Almrei to be able to express the impact of those security measures on racialized group members. I also am aware that funding was granted because when racialized people with disabilities would go through customs after 9/11 they would be singled out.
The question was what is it about the disability and going through the machinery, but guess what, it impacted all other people with disabilities. Now the change had to happen within customs for looking at how they process people with disabilities as they go through this security check.