Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you, ministers, for joining us this morning.
I am concerned more specifically about one component of Bill C-17. Earlier, we talked about measures taken to assist persons already in the country, that is those who have crossed the border and are found to be victims of abuse or human trafficking. Persons turned away at the border would likely be sent to other countries where no legislation is in place to govern human trafficking.
Have measures been taken to prevent a situation where these persons end up in a country where they are even worse off and where they would still be victimized? Just because they are refused entry into Canada does not mean that they will be sent back to their country of origin and resume their lives there. Have any agreements been concluded with other countries?
Mr. Nicholson, you stated that you have been working with the United Nations.
Mr. Day, you said that you are working with different groups.
Will measures been taken to help these persons?