As you pointed out, we have an interdepartmental working group. It covers a number of areas and comes with a number of initiatives. I indicated our support for the victims of crime, and the $50 million that we are prepared to put into it.
Indeed, part of our approach was revealed last spring with the appointment of a federal ombudsman for the victims of crime. Now there is a single office that actually looks at the issues as they relate to the victims of crime, a sort of central coordinating agency.
I can tell you as well that the interests of the interdepartmental group are not confined to issues within Canada. This problem is an international one. It goes beyond Canada's borders. In the few minutes the chair allowed me, I touched on our cooperation with the United Nations agencies and the development of manuals that will assist people in other countries.
One of the initiatives that I'm particularly interested in is designed to help other countries to develop trafficking legislation. I've always said that Canada has been the beneficiary of two of the world's great legal systems, and that we now have an obligation to help others, just as we have been helped in the past. So this is one of the initiatives.
Again, we have this interdepartmental group that helps to coordinate our response across all government departments, and indeed throughout the world. As you can tell, I'm quite excited about some of the things we are doing to address this.