This is coming. This is to answer the question about the gap analysis. How do departments proceed? What's available in departments? It also has an overview of provinces and territories. It's dated 2005.
You also received a document that is from the UN. Madam Davidson has a copy to show you that. It's a very interesting document. I encourage you to look at it when you have a moment, because it actually gives a good review of what's going on in the UN and the member states in terms of gender mainstreaming and capacity building, but it is linked. They focused it on gender-responsive budgets. That document is being discussed at this moment in New York, so it's very au courant in terms of what's going on.
You asked for a list of departmental contacts. That's being forwarded to you as well.
There was also something sent to you on the gender equality indicator projects, to give you a little bit of a sense of what that project is about.
The international is basically the UN.
A grid has also been sent to you. I believe Clare has that grid, which shows an overview of what's going on internationally in different countries in terms of gender mainstreaming.