As I see it, it is extremely important to be able to base ourselves on studies that reflect fairly accurately the economic and social reality of women today. It is unfortunate that these studies are not funded to the same extent as they once were.
In a similar vein, I imagine that it is rather difficult for you to carry out a project of this nature at a time when you are being pressured by task forces working under the aegis of the UN and contending with the will of governments in office. Surely you must be facing some pressure from the government which has its own priorities. We talked about culture, but efforts can be hampered by ideology as well.
The next step is for you to submit your project to the interdepartmental committee no later than the start of the summer. An election is always a possibility when a minority government is in office. Could that have an adverse effect on your efforts or could the prospect of an election stop your project from going forward?