I don't think we need more single-purpose watchdogs in the system. We have a lot of watchdogs in the system that have been created, particularly more recently. As Professor Young has said, what we need are interaction and championship. In order to make things happen, it's important that the Status of Women be given status, and that generally requires a strong minister.
I don't mean this to in any way reflect upon current incumbents, but we have seen this happen over the years. If we go back 40 years, there were some very strong ministers of the status of women, and important things were done during that period of time. This becomes very important in the way we structure our system. Ministers matter. They can influence things and have great impact, particularly on the demand side, for better analysis, work, and championing of these things.
That's where I think, in the Canadian way in which we do things, it becomes very important.