I was going to say that with respect to studying the responses to the reports with respect to the trafficking, that's two departments, Justice and Immigration. The economic, that's HRSDC. It tends to be the department that deals with most of it, in terms of training, in terms of pensions, in terms of employment insurance. It's got tons of stuff there. You could mine that forever, in terms of the impacts it has, apart from health and all that. That's the major one, and child care. It's all in there. So there are three departments.
And the impacts of funding from the changes of Status of Women Canada, again, that we could deal with when we have the officials from Status of Women Canada and the deputies in front of us. That topic can be dealt with at the same time. Those don't need to be separate.
So I would suggest that we do the Status of Women Canada one at the same time that we do the estimates, or at least when we have the officials in, or when the minister comes, as well. For the other two, we would look to getting the ministers and deputies of those three departments: Justice, Immigration, and HRSD. Those are the three, basically, that impact on those issues the most. I think if we manage those three, we've done reasonably well.
Then, for the moment, with respect to the last comment Ms. Mathyssen made, I'm going to make a comment here that may be out, but I have to make it just because of what I'm facing. This document we're just going through is a document that we were told at the last meeting we were going to be given and that we would be discussing and seeing what issues we had already approved. One of them was in fact gender-based analysis. Now I see there's a motion.
I have to say that I find it difficult dealing with this committee, where instead of going by consensus, as we had done before, and looking at the list that we had put forward previously and then suggesting other items, we've got members coming across with motions on stuff that was already on that list. People are trying to say here is my motion, so it's the NDP or it's the Conservatives or it's whoever who really cares about this issue, they're putting forward motions. I'm sorry, but I had to comment, because these motions are not really....
We've got a list here, and I don't have a problem dealing with gender budgeting because of course it is important, and I support going to that immediately after the estimates and these others, because I think it's critical; I just don't think we need to have all these motions, that's all, with the exception of---